Kayaking in Tulum is one of the most popular water sports and recreational activities in North America. Discover the truth behind kayaking myths and falsehoods, such as the idea that kayaking makes you more susceptible to injury.

Kayaking is tiring

No, since the pace is set by each person.

In addition, thanks to its design, the Kayak in Tulum has a great capacity to slide on the water. Its hydrodynamics will allow us to paddle at a gentle pace to maintain a constant speed.

The disadvantage of currents and wind can be compensated by adding a rudder to control the drift caused.

On guided excursions, the pace is set by the guide and is adapted to the level of the group.

With a constant practice of Kayak in Tulum we will develop our aerobic capacity and moreover, we will strengthen all the musculature of the upper trunk.

I won’t know how to steer the kayak!

It is very easy to steer a kayak in Tulum although it is true that there are kayaks, especially in competition, that prioritize directionality to the detriment of directionality.

The instructions offered by the instructors before boarding will be more than enough to assimilate the steering maneuvers.

We must differentiate between steering the course in a single kayak or in a double kayak.

In the single kayak we are located in the center of rotation of the kayak and therefore it is from where we perform the maneuvers.

On the other hand, in the double kayak, the person behind the kayak will be in charge of steering the kayak, since from this position the control is very effective.

I don’t have the balance to kayak, I’m going to capsize

Obviously not all kayaks have the same stability, but the wider the beam and the flatter the hull, the more stable the Kayak in Tulum will be.

The most stable kayaks are recreational kayaks and self-bailing kayaks.

The self-bailing kayaks are very stable and are very difficult to capsize.

If the weather is bad, I can’t kayak

In countries where the weather conditions are more adverse are those where there is more love to practice Kayaking in Tulum.

There are many complements to practice this sport in all conditions. In cold weather, waterproof clothing, windbreakers, gloves and neoprene shoes, etc. are available. Also in hot weather we have to consider that the water can be colder than we think so we must also be prepared.

I can swim! I can kayak without a life jacket

The life jacket is a safety accessory that will provide maneuverability in the water in case of a capsize.

From the water we will need our hands free to retrieve the material and especially to hold the paddle and other elements that are floating around us.

Obviously, it will also be an essential flotation element if we find ourselves in an extreme situation.

I’m too old to practice it. It is only for young people

To practice Kayaking in Tulum there is no age limit nor is any special physical preparation necessary.

There are many people who have started kayaking in Tulum when they are over 60 years old.

To practice kayaking you need a paddle

A very common mistake is to confuse the propulsion tool of Kayaking in Tulum with that of another sport: Rowing. In this modality, the propulsion system is attached to the boat.

In kayaking and canoeing, the two existing modalities of canoeing, we use a paddle and not an oar. In canoeing, the propulsion system is detached from the boat.

There are kayaks that can do everything

No, each Kayak in Tulum is designed for a specific use. The first thing to do is to decide what this use will be.

There are two types of kayaks: self-drifting or open kayaks (sit on top) and closed or touring kayaks (we get inside).

In the self-bailing kayaks we go on top. They have an emptying system so that the water does not accumulate inside. If we capsize, it is easy to get back on and there is no need to worry about removing the water. Because of their ease of use and safety they are a very good choice to start sailing.

In the closed ones we go inside and by means of the cubrebañeras or “covers” we manage that water does not enter in the kayak and to go dry. This makes them more suitable if we want to use them all year round.

According to their use, kayaks can be divided into four main groups: recreational, touring, whitewater and kayak-surfing.

Kayaking requires no maintenance

If you have your own kayak, you should think about its conservation.

The life of a kayak in Tulum depends on its erosion. For this reason we must always try to raise the kayak from the water, not drag it.

If you are using it in the sea, pass fresh water to it from time to time, avoid long exposures to the sun and store it in a way that it can not be deformed.

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