The necessary equipment to practice Kayak in Tulum depends on the type of outing we plan to do, the navigation area and the weather elements that we will find depending on the time of the year in which we want to navigate.

We must never underestimate the dangers that we could encounter. Always carrying with us the essential elements to practice Kayak in Tulum can solve a situation that we had not foreseen at the most unsuspected moment.

There are elements of the equipment necessary to practice Kayak in Tulum that we think we can do without, especially if the outing is short or we feel very confident with our technical level. Therefore, we must always carry with us the necessary equipment depending on the type of outing we plan to do in the sea. In Yucatan Outdoors we decided to tell you everything you need to know to take the necessary equipment with you.

The helmet

This safety element is essential in Kayak in Tulum White Water Kayaking and Kayak Surf. However, in Sea Kayaking it is very rare to see any kayaker with a helmet on.

In any case, wearing a helmet in Kayak in Tulum is not silly if we navigate through a zone of breakers, places with rocks or sea caves.

Even in areas with sandy breakers we can find objects with which our head can run into if we capsize: our own paddle, our kayak, other paddlers and surfers…

On the helmet itself we can attach the nose clip. This will allow us to practice some skimming when we are bored.

It is always better to wear it and not need it than to need it and not wear it.

Kayak accessories

In our Kayak in Tulum we should have the necessary equipment to respond to any emergency that our boat may need.

Balloons for watertight compartments

Although the compartments of our Kayak in Tulum have to guarantee their watertightness, it is advisable to fill them with air balloons as a buoyancy aid.

We can also use them to fill the free spaces around the equipment so that it does not move around inside the compartment.

It is a safety element both for us and for our possible rescuers in case of capsizing and swimming out.

Water bailers as necessary equipment 

Of the necessary equipment for kayak in Tulum, it is also essential to have a bilge system.

To drain the water inside a kayak whose bathtub is full of water, the most efficient system is through a bilge pump. However, this system will not save us a lot of time and energy.

There are several types of bilge pumps:

  • The portable ones: to have them at hand we have to place them tied on the deck of the kayak, behind the seat or under the deck tied with Velcro or a bungee cord. They have foam to ensure their buoyancy.
  • To pump out the water in a strong swell it is best to do it with the cover on by inserting the bilge pump through the side between the cover and the coaming of the kayak or through the tunnel of the cover. This way the kayak will not be constantly flooded.
  • The disadvantage is that we have to keep both hands busy. In case of heavy swell we can not take care of the stability of the kayak.
  • High-end kayaks usually incorporate the bilge pump in the boat itself. These can be operated with one hand, with the foot or they can also be electric.

On the other hand, we cannot do without carrying a sponge to remove the small puddles of water that we have inside the bathtub.

Reflective tape and lights

They are very useful for navigating in the dark.

Waterproof bags

They keep our equipment dry. There are different sizes to be able to distribute the material according to its use and capacity of the watertight compartment of our kayak.

There are also watertight deck bags to have the necessary equipment at hand.

Hydration systems

We must always have our hydration system at hand. A tube system on our lifejacket is ideal.

First aid kit and repair kit 

Depending on the type of trip we do these are elements of the equipment necessary to solve some problems on the fly.

Navigation instruments

Depending on the voyage we will need a compass, map, tide table, watch, course plotter and GPS.

Signaling devices 

The necessary equipment to signal our position will allow us to communicate in an environment where distances are very large. It is also advisable to be familiar with communication systems such as shovel signals.

Shovel signals

Knowing them will allow us to communicate with our colleagues.

Signal mirror

They have a central hole through which we observe the target that will receive the reflection of the sun.

VHF radio transmitters and cell phones

VHF radios (very high frequency) allow us to communicate with other vessels several miles away. Channel 16 is the emergency channel. VHF radios also pick up the weather service. Cell phones will only be useful near populated areas.


A set of three flares complies with the regulations. Even so, we must carry a spare set of flares. It is essential to keep an eye on their expiration date.


Important to include as necessary equipment.

When we find fog or in the dark, a long beep indicates the need for help. Two short beeps every two minutes indicate your position.

Rescue ropes and tow lines

Both rescue ropes and safety lines are essential safety items for our necessary equipment.

Ropes should float and be brightly colored so that they can be easily seen. They should be correctly placed in a bag so that they can be easily removed without becoming entangled.

Bag rescue ropes are those that are thrown to the person to be rescued. As the bag goes through the air, the rope inside comes out.

This is why they have a buoyancy system inside the bag. If we have to tow a kayak, they must be tied to our safety harness and through the carabiner we will catch our life jacket. This allows us to release the rope in case of emergency. They usually have a length of 25, 20, 18 or 15 meters.

Some of the images of the necessary equipment have been obtained from Palm, one of the brands specialized in accessories Kayak in Tulum.

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