There are two types of Kayak in Tulum double, or also called K-2: the self-bailing or open ones, where we sit on top, and the touring or closed ones, where we get inside.

If what we want is to get started or to have fun, the Kayak in Tulum double self-bailing is the best option. This is an ideal kayak for families with children, couples and for group outings.

Certainly, in the history of canoeing, no kayak has ever gone as far as the Sit on top double kayak. Its maneuverability, stability and versatility have made almost all companies have this equipment. Above all, because we do not need any experience to navigate with them. A few basic notions will be enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of the sit on top double kayak

First of all, it is worth mentioning that there are not all advantages if what we want is to have our own double self-bailing Kayak in Tulum.

The fact of being seated on top will make us get wet easily. That is why in the coldest times of the year this will be a disadvantage.

Also, we will always be conditioned to take a companion with us. Trying to navigate alone will force us to place ourselves in the central area, a very wide space to paddle properly. On the other hand, if we go alone, its large volume will be a disadvantage on days with strong wind.

On the other hand, the Sit on Top double kayak is ideal for hot summer days. It even allows us to jump into the water from the Kayak in Tulum or tip it over to play for a while. It gives us a lot of freedom of movement and has a lot of amplitude. Being self-bailing also provides us with a lot of security.

Going in a double kayak will allow us to share the effort or rest while the other person paddles, since it is possible to move forward with only one paddler.

It is a very good option to rent one. On the other hand, it is not so good if we want to buy our own kayak. Its transportation is cumbersome, it is a heavy Kayak in Tulum and we will need a lot of space to store it.

Double kayak with central seat

Most of the existing Sit on Top double kayak models have one or two central seats.

All Kayak in Tulum have a maximum load, which is given by the manufacturer. They also have a buoyancy line that must not be exceeded.

The central seats of the double kayak are usually designed to accommodate one or two people with very little weight or, why not, also our pets.

Staying on course

Unlike an individual Kayak in Tulum, in the double kayak we are not located in the central area of the kayak.

In a single kayak we are seated on the rotation axis of the boat. For this reason we can steer the kayak very easily.

In a double kayak, on the other hand, we are not seated on its axis of rotation. One person sits at the front and the other at the back, far behind.

Therefore, the course correction will be done in a different way. This will be similar to that of a boat with a rudder.

It will be the person at the rear who will steer the double kayak most effectively because he/she is close to the rudder area. The person in front will have very little influence on the course correction since he/she is far away from the rudder.


The perfect straight line in the conduction of a Kayak in Tulum is practically impossible. This is due to the forces that we exert when we propel alternately on one side and then on the other.

When we paddle on one side we exert a lateral force on the Kayak in Tulum and it tends to turn. Thus, the straight line will be the sum of slight curves to one side and to the other. The more skill and experience we have, the closer we will get to the straight line.

It should be noted that the shape of the hull (bottom of the boat) influences the directionality of the kayak. A calm water kayak usually has a more or less incident keel. On the other hand, a whitewater kayak does not have a keel because the priority is to turn nimbly.

Therefore, a very pronounced keel will give us a lot of directionality but little maneuverability. A kayak with little keel will give us little directionality and better maneuverability.

In double Sit on Top kayaks we find a very balanced combination of directionality and maneuverability.


In the Sit on Top double kayak, two people propel the Kayak in Tulum.

If the coordination of the paddles is not done on the same side and at the same time, the resultant of the forces is a brake. That is why coordination is basic if we want to obtain a good performance.

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