The family obligations of our daily lives often displace our willingness to engage in activities with children. The Internet has also opened the door to an attractive universe that has replaced an active and dynamic life with a passive and more isolated one.

For this reason we will be forced to look for a new relationship space in our family nucleus. A weekend getaway with children or having pleasant life experiences with our sons and daughters will strengthen our emotional bond.

Likewise, doing activities as a family will provide us with a relationship rich in values and, consequently, the physical, intellectual and social development of our children.

Moreover, during the first years of their lives, promoting a healthy and dynamic life is a gift that will build in our memory and in that of our children a wealth of indelible memories.

Benefits of family activities

First of all, activities with children or in the family are fundamentally characterized by the interaction between the search for the satisfaction of each of the members of the family while at the same time taking into account the preferences and physical capacities of the others.

Therefore, by doing activities together as a family, we will be able to strengthen our emotional bonds and enrich our communication.

By doing activities with children, they will feel part of a team. We will all be accomplices during the development of the activity and we will probably understand each other perfectly, generating very positive emotions. We will understand each other’s feelings better.

We will also make decisions and we will feel listened to by the whole team, we will listen to others’ opinions and we will socialize our relationship.

In the family, children perceive that they are important to their parents and this will lead to the development of their self-esteem.

Family activities also develop children’s abilities that they do not use in their daily lives.

Activities for children develop their creative capacity and imagination.

Also, if we carry out the activities in a natural environment, we will encourage them to respect the environment and because we practice an outdoor activity, we will also encourage the love of physical exercise and sport.

Family sports

First of all, many sports have been adapted to be done as a family. The evolution of materials and engineering has opened up a market focused on people who want to take up a sport. They are even adapted for people who want to practice it together with the family.

Doing sports as a family or activities with children is relaxing and fun. Doing sport generates endorphins, and that makes us feel good and laugh often. We regulate our emotions and create empathy towards others.

Likewise, in the first years of our life, the influence of our parents is very important as a reference in the acquisition of routines. We follow their example and they direct the way we exercise. Assiduity and continuity will be very positive for our health and our interpersonal relationships.

Family sports will also strengthen the bond with our parents.

Doing activities with children and sports together as a family creates an ideal environment. Children love to spend time with their parents. It is in this environment where values will be transmitted and skills and abilities will be educated. These will be the basis of our personality.

Family sports will offer us unique moments that will be engraved in our memory.

Family plans

Families are increasingly aware of the importance of planning activities with children to do as a family in an active way, studying the benefits that will bring us to do a little sport when the weekend or vacations are approaching.

We know that our children imitate the behavior of their elders and parents are concerned about educating the values and hobbies that they themselves cultivate.

What factors should we take into account when planning a family activity? (H2)

It is important to take into account some premises before starting activities with children:

Our children should feel comfortable with the proposal we make to them. This way we will awaken their curiosity and they will explore their possibilities individually.
Try to adapt the activity to their possibilities in order to avoid their frustration and desire to abandon the activity.
Carry out the activity without interruptions due to external factors (turning off the cell phone is a good option).

Find in the calendar the way to give periodicity to our family activities.

Previously prepare activities with children without forgetting to have an adequate diet. We also have to think about wearing the appropriate clothing for the development of the activity. Take into account the weather. Do not forget to bring enough liquid to hydrate, sun protection and stretching before starting any activity.

What is family kayaking?

The activity is done in double Kayak in Tulum that have two central seats. These allow the placement of two children in the central area, if they do not exceed the age of 7 years old.

On the other hand, the central area is also designed for children from 8 to 12 years old. For safety reasons (the water must not exceed the buoyancy line of the Kayak in Tulum), here we will only install one child in the central area to avoid overloading.

The Kayak in Tulum are very safe and very stable boats, ideal for family activities.

We also think about your safety. We have special life jackets for them and this activity can be done from two years old.

Activities for couples

The accumulation of daily obligations of our daily life. Spending most of our time apart because of our work. Certainly, all this can cause a certain distancing in our relationship as a couple, forced to follow a constant routine in order not to miss the train.

Therefore, to counteract this situation it is advisable to look for a new space to relate to each other in a different environment. One of the ways is to practice a sport as a couple.

Advantages of sport as a couple

First of all, activities as a couple outside the domestic environment help us to strengthen our bonds.

Even if we can only do “weekend activities”, it will still be positive because we will create a common project by sharing a new activity.

If, in addition, the activity we share is a sport, the physical exercise will have a positive impact on our physical and emotional state. It seems that wanting to be better physically also denotes that you want to be better for your partner. It will also keep the excitement in our relationship. We will take care of each other by supporting each other and we will both feel more secure.

Exercise releases endorphins, and as a result, it gives us a sense of well-being that will help the relationship flow in a relaxed and cordial way. On the other hand, Oxford University found that the release of endorphins was higher in people who exercise together with their partner than in people who exercise alone.

Endorphins develop self-esteem. They also reduce stress and anxiety, the reason for many couple arguments. They also increase arousal and libido, having better and more frequent sexual relations.

The activities to do as a couple force us to work as a team and agree on objectives. We support each other to achieve a goal. Tiredness and effort are also more bearable. This leads us to exercise for longer than we would if we did it individually.

When we work together the tendency is to balance the strength and endurance aspects between the two of us. This reinforces the sporting qualities that each of us have less trained.

Kayaking, a great option for exercising together

To talk about “plans to do with your partner” is to talk about a lifestyle. First of all, planning a getaway to a place you have been wanting to visit for a long time will make you look for the ideal accommodations. They will look for the most appetizing gastronomy of the place. They will go to the areas where the activities for couples are well designed.

The result will be very positive. They will seek to repeat this experience often and their relationship will be more active.

Practicing activities as a couple, and more if we are in a natural environment, will take us away from a conflictive domestic environment.

One of the couple activities that has had the best response has been Kayaking in Tulum. The reasons: it is a pleasure and an unforgettable experience to navigate with a kayak as a couple. You can use a double kayak or a single kayak. To practice this sport is not necessary to have experience and it is very easy to learn it.

Kayaking in Tulum not only improves our physical condition, but also brings many benefits to our relationship. We will have to communicate, coordinate and decide freely which is the best itinerary.

How to kayak as a couple

As a couple you will be able to practice the most sportive side of the Kayak in Tulum: paddling together with a constant rhythm to reach a goal, which will give you a performance that will surprise you! The Kayak in Tulum is the fastest human-powered boat that exists… and, if you want to optimize your performance even more, we recommend that you each bring your own individual kayak. This type of Kayak in Tulum will allow you to experience the feeling of steering your own boat and navigating with full autonomy.

After all this you will see how you will have acquired a new “hobby”.

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