The clothing for kayak in Sian Ka’an must be effective depending on the weather conditions in which we want to navigate. Kayaking is an aquatic sport and the meteorology of our environment conditions how to practice it with the necessary protection against the cold or heat.

Likewise, we must always foresee the possible changing conditions during the course of our excursion. The unexpected appearance of wind can affect our thermals if we are not prepared with a simple windbreaker. An increase in swell may cause us to be wetter than we had anticipated.

Likewise, the temperature radiated by the water is not the same as that of the land. We will not have the same thermal sensation on the sand as on the water.

Moreover, the aquatic environment quickly absorbs our body heat in the event of a capsize. It is very important to prepare our equipment according to the water temperature.

So, to sail, we must be prepared and not rely on our first sensations. We will always be in time to take off some clothes if we feel hot and we will have a problem if we start to get cold and we do not have enough clothes to practice Kayak in Sian Ka’an.

Kayak clothing materials

Before the oil revolution, the clothing for kayak in Sian Ka’an imitates the qualities that warm-blooded animals have to insulate themselves from the cold and heat. The skins of the Inuit’s coats were smeared with seal fat to make them waterproof.

Today there are fabrics and garments that are ideal for insulating us from the elements. Synthetic fibers (nylon, lycra, polyesters, polypropylene,…) that insulate us from the cold, heat, wind and humidity at the same time that transpire our sweat. These fabrics also have the great quality of drying very quickly.

Depending on the insulation required, we can add layers to our wardrobe.

With the materials currently available, three layers are sufficient to achieve an ideal insulation. For each layer we can find different materials and these layers can be combined in different ways.

The first layer

It is the one that will be in contact with our skin. It must be breathable and must be well adjusted to our body. That is why it must be elastic. Lycra and polyester t-shirts and leggings are suitable.

The second layer

It must have a thermal function even when wet. These are T-shirts and fleece overalls. T-shirts and 0.5 mm neoprene tights are also a good option. This clothing can also be used as a first layer.

The third layer

This is the one that will insulate us from the most adverse meteorological elements of our environment: wind and water. This layer can be more or less breathable.

The neoprene

As we can see, I have not included the 3 mm neoprene suit and bib. This works very well when wet as it generates a thin film of water between the fabric and the skin that warms up with our body heat. However, when kayaking we are not in constant contact with the water and the neoprene can generate as much heat as a microwave oven. In addition, neoprene greatly limits our movements.

A garment that many kayakers use regularly is neoprene shorts.

Protection for the extremities

On the other hand, we also have different materials to protect our head, hands and feet.

Some of the images of the necessary equipment have been obtained from Palm, one of the brands specialized in accessories for Kayak in Sian Ka’an.

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